make models

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make models

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:45:34
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make models的翻译

1. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.

2. CNSA has established a resource center for quality in public administration and will make recommendations on quality models to authorities.

3. A Hong Kong model once confessed to the media that male models sometimes have to make extra " sacrifices " to get modeling opportunities they dream of.

4. He said he selects car models himself to make sure they are qualified and fit into his company's brand concept.

5. Regulators hope to impose many comprehensive measures to make the financial system safer, while market participants naturally rethink their strategies and business models in response to the changes.

6. They claim that blaming or stigmatizing designers and models will only make the problem worse.

7. Proposing these steps would make no difference unless effective measures are taken to promote them, such as public subsidies for the purchases of new models.

8. He said both the luxury hotel and budget hotel models could make profits in China.

9. Most of those models have been in the market for more than three years and the price cuts make sense on big volume sales.

10. The car is the second of Geely's models to make that grade.

1. make models的反义词

1. The test results indicate that these models can guide doctors with a higher accuracy to make amblyopia diagnosis and treatment, improve the diagnose efficiency, and help patients to selftest.

2. Gerard Killmann, director of power train development for Toyota Motor Europe, sees the plug-in hybrid as the bridge between combustion engines and electric cars. With these models, which aren't yet widely available to consumers, drivers can make short trips purely on electric power but can switch to a gas-electric hybrid drive for longer trips.
丰田汽车欧洲公司的培训发展总监Gerard Killmann把可外接充电式混合动力汽车看成为内燃机汽车和电动汽车的连接桥梁,这项还没有广泛提供给消费者的设计,可以根据驾驶员的需要进行调整,短途旅行可以完全依靠电力,长途旅行可以切换到天然气与电能的混合动力。

3. They devote themselves to nirvana, not seeking for honor and glory in the world, not establishing their undertakings, which are role models that we as nazarite make efforts to reach.

4. They devote themselves to Nirvana, not seeking for the honor and glory in the world, not establishing their undertakings, which are the role models that we as nazarite make efforts to reach.

5. The only niggle for me is the reflective effects on the aircraft which make it look like it has been coated with a high gloss varnish which kind of counters the efforts that have been made to age the models.

6. It is, however, possible to use models to make forecasts

7. The researchers used this feathered reconstruction to make urethane foam models that they launched from various heights, recording the distance, velocity, and angle of each glide.

8. These features combine to make New Espace one of eight Renault models to have been awarded a five-star Euro NCAP crash test rating.

9. The main conclusions are that it is suitable to make different models with respect to various design stage and the geometry nonlinear property of this kind of bridge can be neglected.

10. Men are better at combat. They make aircraft carrier and war airplane models from childhood on. we can`t win them.


11. The researches on parameterized dynamic models of magnetorheological dampers are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of every model are analyzed. And the problem of how to design the control law to make the dissipative ability of MR damper under fluctuating current be optimal is also discussed. The intelligent technology such as neural network and fuzzy logic may be...


12. To make calculations manageable even by computers, most of the models suppose eithe r that the oceans are a shallow, motionless swamp or that they don't exist at all.

13. make models的反义词

13. Mechanisms of nutrient limitation make these models more realistic, but also more complex.

14. In order to make up for these shortcomings, some models of antiaircraft radar s detection range under SOJ, SFJ and ESJ are brought forward, on the base of the analyzing of all kinds of combat mode of airborne noise jamming.

15. Medical flow Baba online supermarket in the scale of operation, profitability, the level of integration, management, modernization and service models to become the industry's leading domestic医械well-known service providers, and give full play to the advantages of innovative business models, strengthen ties with industry exchanges and cooperation, enhance the quality, enhance customer service levels and logistics and distribution capacity, for economic development and make due contributions.

16. make models

16. First use the 等间距 data series to build some models of 等间距 gray predict model. then make these gray predict models as a group, that can build the final 等间距 gray predict model.

17. make models

17. We can produce all kinds of make up brush with high quality and popular models. Main products and service: Powder brush, foundation brush, eye shadow brush, eyebrow brush, lip brush, nail brush; professional cosmetic brush sets, make matching utensils, our product is enjoyed great popularity in the world market.


18. To make the way to be practicable, in accordance with the widespread application of tandem queue models in the performance modeling of computer network systems, the problem of tandem queue identification, i.

19. In real transmission environment, there exists multipath fading, spatial correlation and line of sight propagation. Different transmission model and different design purpose make different between the descriptions of the performance and capacity, so we need to integrate channel models considering all kinds of channel fading properties for MIMO-OFDM system.

20. Some of the praeludia also make use of ostinato models.

In instances in which "the model is the code," all practitioners have to do is make sure they have accurately specified models.(在那些“模型是代码”所在的实例中,所有实践者不得不做的是确保他们拥有精确给定的模型。)
Tom can make models, but he can't play the guitar.(汤姆可以做出吉他的模型,但是他不会弹吉他。)
Another rule applies to female faces: You can make them more attractive [in computer models] by making them more feminine.(还有一个规律适用于女性的面貌:将女性面貌修改得更女性化(在计算机模型上)可以增强其吸引力。)
So far these machines have been used mainly to make detailed plastic models based on computer designs.(到目前为止,这些机器主要是用来生产基于电脑设计的细节丰富的塑料模型。)
Children don't make fancy models anymore?(孩子们不再玩模型了吗?)
To make calculations manageable even by computers, most of the models suppose either that the oceans are a motionless swamp or that they don't exist at all.(为了使计算机也能进行计算,大多数模型要么假设海洋是一个静止的沼泽,要么假设它们根本不存在。)
These JSON models define the attributes that make up each of your resources.(这些JSON模型定义组成资源的属性。)
User2 will make some changes to the models and deliver them to the main stream.(User2将会对模型做一些更改,并将这些更改交付给主流程。)
Empirical mode decomposition is used for pre-processing. Decompose time series, then make models separately and combine all the values.(先将非平稳时间序列进行经验模式分解,再对各个分量分别建模,最后将各分量预测结果进行组合。)
In this information society, huge data accumulated speedily everyday need effective tools to make models and analyze.(在当今的信息社会,日益剧增的数据量需要有效的工具来对这些数据进行建模和分析。)
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